Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wookie Cookies!

As it turns out, there are plenty of OYANers in Kentucky.

Which is just epic epicness.

So after some foruming and PMing and dilly-dalling in various decision-making processes, we finally agreed to have a gathering for an afternoon last Saturday. (Of course, we didn't actually make plans for any activities with which to amuse ourselves during the course of said afternoon. Time just has a way of slipping quickly enough on its own at these kinds of get-togethers.)

I was fizzing with that kind of feathery nervous excitement that brushes up against the insides of your stomach as we pulled in, OYAN T-shirt donned, Dalek key chain clipped obnoxiously in sight on my messenger bag. It was a warming sight, all- Alexis with her allegiant frying pan firmly in hand, Esther and Adrienne and a motley of other quirky writing folk I knew only by way of keyboards and computer monitors. We made good comradeship immediately, and formed a little talking-circle thing; we would talk for half an hour, move ten yards, talk for another half an hour, drift a little bit... I believe it took us forty-five minutes to get from the parked cars to the picnic table, and they were hardly a front-yard-in-suburbia away from each other.

Alexis also brought a chocolatey wonder she called a Wookie Cookie, and it truly lived up to the epicness of its title.

So basically, all day, we explored the tiny perimeter of the lakeside and rambled endlessly on the thoughts that go whizzing in their blinking spaceships through our kinky writers' brains.

There was some excellent tree-climbing to be accomplished there as well, and being the half-monkey people have insinuated me to be it was hearty, knee-scraping fun.
* * * * *
Now that school has started, all those hours that went piddling on by and trailed half hearted clouds of dust in their wake are absolutely brimming with busy-work. For instance, added to my already staggering load, this week I have a creative writing assignment to write a 500-word story with a twist ending.
Calvin is unparalleled in his profound wisdom.
I am not worthy.

I mean, really, truer words have never been spoken.
How does one go about plucking a twist ending from the air on command?!
And assuming one does get that far, how do you compress it into five hundred words?


P.S. I discovered a new word today!


[pet-ee-fog, -fawg]
verb (used without object), pet·ti·fogged, pet·ti·fog·ging.
to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters.
to carry on a petty, shifty, or unethical law business.
to practice chicanery of any sort.

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Ranger is awesome.

I am forever in his debt for saving this blog.